sábado, 25 de diciembre de 2010


Revolucionario iberoamericano (Rosario, Argentina, 1928 - Higueras, Bolivia, 1967)

Ernesto Che Guevara nació en una familia acomodada de Argentina, en donde estudió Medicina. Su militancia izquierdista le llevó a participar en la oposición contra Perón; desde 1953 viajó por Perú, Ecuador, Venezuela y Guatemala, descubriendo la miseria dominante entre las masas de Iberoamérica y la omnipresencia del imperialismo norteamericano en la región, y participando en múltiples movimientos contestatarios, experiencias que le inclinaron definitivamente a la ideología marxista. 

En 1955 Ernesto Che Guevara conoció en México a Fidel Castro y a su hermano Raúl, que preparaban una expedición revolucionaria a Cuba. Guevara trabó amistad con los Castro, se unió al grupo como médico y desembarcó con ellos en Cuba en 1956. Instalada la guerrilla en Sierra Maestra, Guevara se convirtió en lugarteniente de Castro y mandó una de las dos columnas que salieron de las montañas orientales hacia el Oeste para conquistar la isla. Participó en la decisiva batalla por la toma de Santa Clara (1958) y finalmente entró en La Habana en 1959, poniendo fin a la dictadura de Batista.

"Prefiero morir de pie, a vivir arrodillado."

Towards the end of his formal affiliation with the Cuban government, Che came to implicitly criticize Soviet bureacracy. His positions put him at odds with the party line of the Cuban CP. In 1965, Che realized that the defence of the Cuban revolution and the creation of revolutions abroad were naturally not always in sync, and this ultimately led to his resignation and his return to revolutionary work abroad.

"Recuerden que el eslabón más alto que pude alcanzar la especie humana es ser revolucionario."

During Che's subsequent revolutionary campaigns, he wrote his Message to the Tricontinental (1967) in which he openly criticized the Soviet Union; claiming that the Northern hemisphere of the world, both the Soviet Union and the US, exploited the Southern hemisphere of the world. He strongly supported the Vietnamese Revolution, and urged his comrades in South America to create "many vietnams".

In 1965 Che left Cuba to set up guerrilla forces first in the Congo and then later in Bolivia, where he was ultimately captured and killed in October 1967. Accounts of his execution have varied over the years, but many contemprary accounts indicate some degree of collaboration between Bolivia's government troops and the United States CIA. Guevara developed a theory of primacy of military struggle, in particular concept of guerilla foquismo. Many of Che's theories regarding guerilla tactics are articulated in his 1961 work "Guerilla Warfare."

"The guerrilla band is an armed nucleus, the fighting vanguard of the people. It draws its great force from the mass of the people themselves. The guerrilla band is not to be considered inferior to the army against which it fights simply because it is inferior in fire power. Guerrilla warfare is used by the side which is supported by a majority but which possesses a much smaller number of arms for use in defense against oppression." (from Guerrilla Warfare, 1960) 

"Si fuéramos capaces de unirnos, qué hermoso y que cercano seria el futuro"

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