jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011


I FUCKIN' DO  “The war on terrorism is an integral part of Bush’s National Security Doctrine . It is being used as a pretext for waging war on Iraq. Many antiwar activists are unaware that successive US administrations have over the last 20 years supported Islamic terrorism including Al Qaeda . The latter is a creation of the CIA. It is a key instrument of US foreign policy”

US President George W. Bush's trip to Italy coincides neatly and quite conveniently with the annual meeting of the notorious Bilderberg Group, the world's ruling cabal of politicians, mega-corporate honchos and other gofers of the New World Order. The Bilderberg Conference will be held in Stresa, Italy, June 3-6, 2004, thirty miles from Milan, at the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees.

The question remains -- will George Bush fly by or just drop in? Bush, like Bill Clinton in the year 2000, is travelling nearby this year. Tony Blair dropped in at Bilderberg 1998, although he was not mentioned in Bilderberg's post conference 'Press Release.' 

According to Tony Gosling of Bilderberg.org, the participants include the usual cast of World Class Criminals from the U.S., including Features Editor Max Boot of the Wall Street Journal, Senator Jon Corzine (D- NJ), Senator John Edwards (D-NC), Douglas Feith, Defense Department Undersecretary, Donald Graham, Chairman and CEO, Washington Post Company, Henry Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc, Richard Perle, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, closet gay Republican Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition and, of course, the New World Order Godfather himself -- David Rockefeller, Sr.


George W. Bush's very casual comment that he had tortured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and would do it again, has some former military and intelligence officials concerned that the former president doesn't realize the gravity of what he is admitting. Retired Brigadier General David R. Irvine, a former strategic intelligence officer who taught prisoner of war interrogation and military law for 18 years, says Waterboarding is, "unequivocably torture." He added, "As a nation, we have historically prosecuted it as such, going back to the time of the Spanish-American War. 

Moreover, it cannot be demonstrated that any use of waterboarding by U.S. personnel in recent years has saved a single American life." According to most reports, Khalid Sheik Mohammed had been highly cooperative and provided excellent intelligence initially, but then clammed up when they began waterboarding him to try to force him to say that there was an association between 9-11 and Saddam Hussein. 
Additionally, the Bush/Cheney/Bybee/Yoo policy of torturing prisoners of war has placed as-yet-unborn future generations of American soldiers who may be taken prisoner at great risk, as other nations will point to our having used torture to justify their own use of it against our soldiers. Torture historically has been used only for a single purpose - to get people to say what the torturers want them to say, regardless of whether its true or not. This is why the communist dictatorship of China announced earlier in the week that they will no longer criminally prosecute people based on confessions obtained by torture, because so many of the confessions are false. China gets it, the military gets it, but George W. Bush is still clueless. And still an international war criminal.


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